home trainer elite suito
home trainer elite suito
I found this to be the case this past fall when I had warmer days and then shifted to much cooler locations/days (our home and office aren’t A/C equipped). Didn’t effect the ride but was annoying just the same. Its now €579 in the Netherlands, sounds like a nice upgrade from my old Tacx iGenius. Serial SUH, Hardware Version 1, with the super small power cable. Not so much if i try to get off the seat and peddle. Y más con una aplicación como Zwift. It has a carry handle, folds up very nicely and already comes with a rear cassette. For everyone who has knocking sounds, or flywheel wiggle / movement. Here is an interesting video where Shane Miller addresses similar topic, with the help of a Kickr Core (which has a heavier flywheel than Suito): link to youtu.be. I simply don’t use the block, because it changes geometry to ‘constant climbing’ and had butt aches due to that. Should have probably bought Kickr Core when they were still in stock. Whenever you do that, actually, whenever you lower your bike back, you apply a force on this nut that untightens it bit by bit, and the knocking / wiggle intensifies. What’s everyone’s recommendation? I noted that merely because even the same trainer will produce two different recorded files due to transmission and recording timing rates. I understand that this is an abstract value for the time it takes the trainer to spin down, so maybe it’s just bearings and the freewheel and the drivetrain in general settling in? But I still find it rather incredible that apparently pretty much every manufacturer of these devices throws new models on the market while there are still some pretty major issues to be sorted out. At first, they denied hearing anything unusual in the videos I sent them. Personally, I’m not a big fan of power meter matching/linking type technology from any company, as I often find it does weird things around delays in power. The Elite Direto X goes to 18%, the Elite Zumo to 12% the Wahoo KICKR CORE simulates up to 16%, while the Tacx Flux S is down at 10%. ANT+ Power Meter Profile: This broadcasts as a standard ANT+ power meter, with cadence data I had once some strange oscillation in ERG mode. Simulation Mode: Simulating a specific outdoor grade – i.e., 10% incline. I will log a ticket with Elite…not the end of the world I do not plan to send it back, I am not a professional racer and this is a middle of the range product…but a bit annoying! Powerful, solid and quiet, Suito is an interactive home trainer. Have the teething issues with this one been addressed? Boss and casette seems to wobble a bit to. I have 84 mm and it seems to be accurate. I might give that a try. Who knows if they’ll be able to solve it, maybe the hardware is flawed. I received my Suito last week and ran through all of the settings and configurations mentioned in this and several other internet forums. There’s two ways to look at this. And, in case you can’t remember which power adapter is which, here’s a closer look at the specs on this: Of course, that bit is mostly for my own benefit, when I mix them up and have to refer back to my own review to figure out which is which. Hi Jesper. The flywheel only weighs 3.5 kg, but I am not experienced enough to tell what difference a heavier component would make for my "ride feel". The Suito has not. I have HW revision 06 and it came with the latest software from the factory (Sep 2020). And in most cases, most companies decided to take a twofer approach – hitting both issue groups instead of just taking one serving. Now I feel even worse about my ride yesterday! I’ve ordered & awaiting delivery (Last one in their stores). The first serie came with a power cable that was a little bit too short and I got a new longer power cable free of charge directly from Elite. Shimmy on the handlebars. It arrived in Nevada December 23rd. And it responds pretty slow (~5S) to abrupt power change between intervals. The suito feels solid as a unit on its own – as soon as a bike is added the unit has a crazy amount of flex (however the legs are staying still). Same here Brought mine in Nov ’20 Is it allowed in the cabin? It doesn't have smartphone/ANT+/Bluetooth integration, but it does have secondary outlets. Received my Elite Suito about 2 months ago and overall I am really enjoying it. I’ll probably wait until it’s warm enough to ride outside again and until then just make do with the faulty unit…. Very interested… just one quick question: how can the cassette in the trainer be a simple plug-in for any bike? The speed reporting to zwift via bluetooth seems to be fine throughout this but I’m wordering because it knows that ERG mode is on, while my garmin doesn’t since it doesn’t have control of the trainer? What would be required to change over? So I did buy one of these trainers and I got a Hardware Rev 1 model and have every single problem under the sun with mine, except accuracy. Mine is going back. Not so much if i try to get off the seat and peddle. My Photography Gear: The Cameras and Equipment I Use Daily, DC Rainmaker 2019 swim, bike, run, and general gear list, Copyright DC Rainmaker - Updated December 18th, 2020 @ 8:05 am, Wired or Wireless data transmission/control, Can electronically control resistance (i.e. Ahh, good catch. By “the left side”, you mean left when viewed from the back side of the trainer, right? During zwift workout I and easily pedal 260 watts where 110 is required?? I then used approximately the same gear I had used in Zwift within Elite and that resulted in a successful calibration. The not smoothed power is closer to the truth. As you probably noticed by looking below, I also take time to answer all the questions posted in the comments – and there’s quite a bit of detail in there as well. ERG mode is ok but not fantastic, power still fluctuate around +/-10W in ERG mode. If it makes no difference I would ask for this mapping. My previous trainer was a dumb trainer, for that reason i used to have horrible memories on indoor trainers, suito really changed it. Note: Branding varies by country, exact same desk. Now stay with me here – this setup is gonna be pretty complex. I have now taken the cassette off and installed a 9sp cassette to place a dedicated trainer bike on. Could never do this with my tacx vortex… Anyone has a solution? Spin down calibration was done with Zwift. Powerful, solid and quiet, the Elite Suito Pack Direct Drive Home Bike Trainer with Cassette is an interactive home trainer designed to offer you an easy, realistic and accurate indoor bike training … Easy setup Well-built. Elite suggests that you divide your circumference by 24.8, but when I did that my speed went down to 1-2 km/h while putting out 250 Watts. La marque italienne a non seulement sorti non pas un mais deux modèles : Le Suito, un direct-drive milieu de gamme;; Le Direto X, successeur de son best-seller le Direto 2018, positionné sur le segment premium (mileu-haut de gamme). I bought a Suito yesterday. Guess I’m out 600 bucks. Obviously that’s not really a sustainable riding position but seems to indicate that the sound has something to do with the distribution of weight on the axle…has anybody notices the same effect? I think so. They agreed they made a mistake and told me to forget about sending a video. I also figured it would be useful for travel, given the way it folds - the skew is by far the widest part - take that out and it's tiny. Basically 50% trainer difficulty turns an 12-25t cassette into a 6-50t cassette + differences in biomechanics. Thank you. In the case of Zwift, I used it in regular riding mode (non-workout mode, aka SIM mode) as well as ERG mode (workout mode). In their own app, which looks like it was written for DOS, it gives you a value at the end of the spin down (the time its took to stop) and you're left wondering "so what?". Overall a great value for the non perfectionist. Hardware level 4. I think it”s a wonderfull machine . Hi everyone, I am considering buying this trainer. Update to the knocking sounds issue mentioned in my original post above: I got in touch with Elite support team. Zwift spin downs tell you to accelerate to the usual 37kph ... and then "keep pedalling". Am I right that Suito itself cannot connect to the HR Ant belt and then send the data to e.g Zwift or Elite my-Etraining app via Bluetooth? There were some edge cases where initial filtering wasn’t working, so rather than hold it up for that, they’ll add the filtering later. So my view on the elite suito. Will also connect with your garmin device along with all other virtual cycling platforms, rouvy, myEtraining, etc. One of the things I got in my Suito was a little card indicating I needed to put some oil on the cassette. I cover all the units to buy (and avoid) for the 2020-2021 indoor training season. The size of the nut is 30mm and you can tighten it with a spanner or an adjustable wrench. Hopefully I will get a fast response from CT, they had the replacement Suito out the door the next day after my return. And just kept on pedaling up to like 28MPH. It's very portable and when folded, occupies a very small space. Why is it so hard to set up? And it seems like there is no Software update coming…. que unidades o que nº de series son los afectados y que unidades son ya correctas? Overall design is brilliant! It’s just that there’s still a divide there – primarily driven by that flywheel weight. And lastly, if you felt this review was useful – I always appreciate feedback in the comments below. It doesn’t connect via Bluetooth Smart unfortunately, but does ANT+ – so no good for your smartphone, but will work for your computer. Easy setup Portable/storable. Super frustrating the first couple of times, until I saw GPLAMA's tip to keep going and it will say stop when you hit about 55kph. To clarify, my personal power meters will read 150 watts and Suito jumps between 160 to 170 watts. As store can’t comment on time lines, I have gone for the Wahoo Kickr and received promptly. Are you willing to review or test beta products? Are you having similar problems? Prenez le temps de parcourir toujours plus de distances, sans quitter le confort de chez vous. With the front wheel set on the wheel block the bike tilts up with the height of the block (aprox 1 – 1.5 cm). p.s as always an excellent review, thanks Ray. Thanks again Ray for the great reviews. Using Zwift, the trainer will automatically change sensitivity/difficulty with hills/training programmes and isn't super loud when going at high speeds/high power input. For example, Wahoo SNAP’s were known for quite some time to have some trueness issues in their rollers. I actually think that the ANT+ hardware is broken, all of the functions work over Bluetooth, just not ANT+. Zwift Insider makes a small commission on purchases made from these links, so please shop through them to support our efforts. The odd thing is that it only occurs for power data. Easy setup Portable/storable Budget-friendly. Problem is: I cannot enter a wheel circumfence of 84, as the minimum value to enter is 1000. Finally, at least someone got it right. 1) Swap the cassette for the spare you have (be mindful of the spacers being installed per manual*) First and foremost, thanks for a great site and useful reviews. FYI, my Suito was a SUI serial number (hardware version 2) if that helps anyone. I’m on hardware revision 004 and latest firmware (5.20). After sending in a video of the knocking, Elite/Clever Training agreed to swap out that trainer for a new one. Little spanner is on the “pairing page” where you connect to smart trainer, HR monitor, power & cadence meter, in about 10 o’clock pos. Higher frequencies/rpms excitate stiffer parts, lower frequencies weaker parts. I’m thinking of getting one. @Koen Can you help me? I would like to support DCR and enjoy ad-free DC Rainmaker ($20 per year). They also said “the wobble is used to have a better feeling during training”. I calibrated several times, always was off compared to the calibration number on the bottom of the trainer. Now it is reporting 20-30% lower power or not engaging the correct resistance AND it started screeching. I’ve got your app for 24 hours, so I’ll try to do another test tonight. You feel it right away, it runs too tight. I experience some delay in response. If you don't have a permanent setup for bike training this is an awesome, quality option. There’s always a common problem. I also found this one from the other link. Plus any time you want to toss atop that. Yet, power reading seems fairly accurate. Yes, a Campy freehub body would be required and is available from Elite, but there’s no need to do that as all 11-speed drive train cassettes have the same cog spacing. I was looking for information about drivetrain loss in a bicycle and found this one: This reaction time and accuracy are both tested here. @ Jeff, in my understanding there is no absolute recommendation to use big vs small chainring (assuming obvious things being comparable, like proper chain alignment). I wouldn’t expect wobble by poor installation, unless somehow your bike skewer isn’t straight (plausible, but also unlikely – but it’s worth a quick check – it happens once or twice a year for me). The Suito follows the same app compatibility standards as previous Elite products, and essentially follows the industry norms as you’d expect from a high-end trainer. Occasional glitches in erg mode, but not that common. Ordered from an internet retailer in US for 619$, delaer said he just got a fresh batch of these, so fingers crossed it’s one of the newer ones. I had read online some people had issues with accuracy and a wobbly flywheel in 2019 on DCR website, and hoped for the best that I would get a new one with no problems. It also feels like the build quality is better on the Wahoo. My replacement unit is hardware version 4 according to the app which should be fine but shows worse problems than the first one I had (which was a fairly early production model), and there are many others who had issues with replacement units as well, so to me it seems the issues have not been entirely resolved. My original S/N was SUG so I’m really wondering whether I will just need to go through the receive and return twice to get a newer Suito – it seems the anecdotally SUJ and beyond seem to not experience the same issues. Normally if I stop pedalling and wait for 10 seconds I can start pedalling again with no issue. Oh well, may be the trainer gods will be nice to me later today. Then hit up Wiggle at the link below! With the cassette already installed, you only have to put on your bike and connect the trainer to your device. I received an answer after 3 days. If you don't have a permanent setup for bike training this is an awesome, quality option. You’ll want to pair it up as a controllable trainer (which will also pair it as a power meter): You’ll see the trainer enumerated in a fairly similar manner on TrainerRoad as well: Also, TrainerRoad’s tips page on using smart trainers in ERG mode: I’d *strongly* recommend you either read that page, or just simply do two things: A) Calibrate the Suito: I found it did make a significant difference to do the roll-down, it only takes a few seconds Also on my Wahoo Bolt I get same numbers. Ready to go, right out the box. I sent the defective one back today. Yeah, because vibrations are pretty hard to record… Elite is doing a great job taking care of those with issues, at least they did for me. Love the elite Suito. I just purchased one. But I also want to record to my Polar watches (V800 oder Vantage V). I hadn’t been sure where this rattling came from. Bluetooth Smart Power Meter Profile: This broadcasts as a standard BLE power meter, with cadence data Very happy with it so far. Your email address will not be published. Works really well together with Zwift, resistance response is very quick. Is this one of the really early releases? The setup is a SRAM 1X. Good trainer for the price. I have a spare wide range cassette that I will install to see if it cleans up the shifting – i don’t want to adjust the derailleur each time i install the bike on the trainer or put the wheel back on. 300W is 300W in a vacuum, but 300W at 25% IRL sure feels different than 300W at -5% IRL even if you have the biggest gear range in the world. A shop is offering me the BF price for the Suito and I found another shop that may be selling the Core for under what Wahoos been allowing. It came from my chain lube. Next to that handle is the status lights. I fear I already know the answer…. Elite is handling anybody who runs into issues through simple and quick replacement, but there’s still a chance. Easy setup Realistic inertiaWell-built Portable/storable Quiet Budget-friendly. I checked my serial number and it starts SUB. It’s like the Matrix: The Red Pill, or the Blue Pill. While Elite was first reluctant to help me out with the inconsistent numbers. Regarding power inconsistency: you can enable Power Meter Link in the Elite software. I did more testing, finally getting frustrated and uninstalled, then reinstalled Zwift. It’s really just best to look at the rear flywheel and see if that’s causing the wobble. I have up hope to get a solution soon. The Elite suito fit in the suitcase. That seems like a bit of a tall tale given the tests run on the review don’t show this. Is this what everyone’s Suito does? where is the screw adjustment for the belt on Suito ????? So far so good. But I love to bike the Tacx trainer routes. And as always, feel free to post comments or questions in the comments section below, I’ll be happy to try and answer them as quickly as possible. Bought an extra cadence sensor. Is there a fix for the ticking noise or does one have to live with it? Elite Suito from XZwyft September 8, 2020 This is my first smart trainer. However, I really like the Suito design – the folding, size, handle are perfect. Bientôt disponible en ligne. Is this a bug or just a side-effect when using 2 computers to capture from my trainer. Easy setup Portable/storable Budget-friendly. Does anyone know what size the nut is? Hi Ray, HNY ANT+ Speed/Cadence Profile: This broadcasts your speed and cadence as a standard ANT+ Speed/Cadence combo sensor My first unit (bought in October 2019) had the well-documented knocking sound. Read lots of reviews and narrowed it down to the Suito. Problem has apparently been reported to Elite, they should be working on it, but there is no timeline. I think this might be the issue. So in efforts to combat the amount of emails I need to sort through on a daily basis, I’ve complied this “My Photography Gear” post for your curious minds! Improved marginally with a calibration, but still not great. Is anyone still experienced having to send them back because of the issues ? Hopefully it's just a firmware thing! The Elite Suito is a direct-drive bike trainer that comes ready-to-go right out of the box. Virtually no flywheel wobble, no grinding noise/feel in any gear, seemed overall much quieter and I even noticed the feel was better. It is very compact and easy to store should you want to put it away between Swift rides. Great price, light and compact trainer from nialb September 8, 2020 Love the elite Suito. Its sturdy yet easy to pack away, it comes with a cassette and a front-wheel-rest, the road-feel is fairly realistic and with the dedicated App calibration is a breeze. I’m finding a massive difference in the power reading between the two. Then, I come here and write about my adventures. Thank you. You can certainly use the CycleOps one just fine though! Any ideas? I got rid of the knocking sound (and a loose axle) by thightening the big nut located in the left side with a 30mm spanner. Eric Schlange, Webmaster I used the two supplied spacers to fit the cassette to the freehub, without them the cassette doesn’t tighten, just the smallest cog. Though honestly, I think it’ll probably still decapacitate itself…just at a lower point instead. Maybe they improved a little. I really REALLY liked the Suito and I have a wheel-on trainer I can still ride now (Tacx Vortex) that has been good to me even though it sounds like an airplane taking off. Otherwise, you’ll see what you’re seeing in terms of unpredictability. I’ve also had some times in ERG mode during training workouts on ZWIFT—which I get to where I suddenly can’t pedal because of the resistance. The Suito is a good option when you are looking for a reasonably priced direct drive trainer. I am having some issues with the setup using a 10-speed Shimano Cannondale. It does happen elsewhere. So just trying not to mess it up , Here it is. Note – I’m not looking for fake data though, which is when the two precisely match. Shifting is fine now, but the noise makes me nervous. I've done 8000km and 100000m D+ on this Elite Suito trainer in the past 6 month using mainly Zwift simulation mode. – power off all your devices (smartphone, tablet, pc, Garmin heart rate monitor ..) Sending back and won’t be trying a third. If so would it work if I get a Ant USB stick in computer running Zwift and connect both the Suito and the HR belt to Zwift? The 105 cassette from my bike has the same range as the one on the Suito and naturally it works well. If you buy one of course there is a very high chance it will be fine…but I think the risk of getting a faulty unit is higher than for other brands or even other Elite models. Mine came with a bore 105, which I had to replace, because I am still on 10-speed. In the same boat as I posted the other day due to the knocking noise. Direto X for 660 EUR on minor sale- Adding an other extra 10% on budget. I have been using this now for a year and have done probably about 3k miles in Zwift. The actual apps don’t typically much matter, but rather the use cases are different. Indeed. Just tried to check adjustments underneath and it seems to have 7mm allen keys!!! No cross chaining causing this. Had my Suito for a week, revision hardware 3. ok, thanks, the nut feels rock-solid when I try to move it by hand…but I will have another look and see if I can find a spanner that size…power readings are still off, though…. 9/10/etc..), then you’ll need to swap the cassette out. I’d say I see this 1-2 times a month in comments here. It’s doable to use the same cassette on 10/11sp bikes concurrently (my tri bike is a 10spd, so I do it occasionally), but it’s not ideal. I'm not a heavy rider, only 56kg, and my sprinting power isn't great. Meaning – how does it compare to other power meters? I’ve raised a ticket with Elite, so hopefully I get a response soon! Muy recomendable. Easy setup Well-built Portable/storable Budget-friendly. We’ll talk more about accuracy later on in the accuracy section – so what about road feel? Ready to go, right out the box. Any thoughts? A couple of questions. Initially I had not set this and got an average speed of ~100km/h…. – do a 10 minutes training and check if you have disconnections during the training (you should see the data freeze) Always fails. You need to change the ‘Trainer Difficulty’ level to 100% in order to feel it (and most people don’t bother to). This unit had some fly wheel wobble which the original one didn’t (returned that due to the knocking issue) as well as a grinding feel/noise while using the large chain ring up front in some of the smaller cogs in the rear. Seems to me they just release trainers without at least 10 ppl testing it. I need to know my limits based on their metrics, even if wrong. Still, I think Elite has differentiated enough. Had some initial problems with my heart band which actually had impact on the programs. Zwift Insider is independent of Zwift corporate (www.zwift.com), although Zwift does provide funding to help defray site costs. Wanna create comparison chart graphs just like I do for GPS, heart rate, power meters and more? I did swap out the stock 11-speed cassette with the 10-speed from the actual wheel. And to compliment that, here’s The Girl’s (my wife’s) list. Regards, Jerome. thanks for your reply. So – where are we accuracy-wise? Yes i´ve noticed just the same that the cadence is jumping sometimes but usually only on lower watts, today i tested against vector3 in a 2h groupride on zwift and W was exactly the same even thou in the end i made 10 sec sprints and V3 showd 700-1000W but suito only 600-700W and top cadence on those were 140 vs 120. The cassette sits way too close to the frame, the whole shifting is about one cog off. I hadn’t calibrated the trainer since the original issues and decided to do so before Stage 2 of TdZ (after warming up for 10 minutes). Vincenzo/Emma, I have the same question as Emma, I have also an (old) bike with an 8-speed cassette. This may be a really silly question but would you recommend getting this trainer if you have an 8 speed bike? It goes on sale for 619$ +40$ shipping, every 3rd day. Their free ride integration _did_ work with ANT+. You’ll see either a calibration prompt in the app (like TrainerRoad), or a small wrench or such in the settings (like Zwift). But I have to take back my earlier statement on the device. I bought a Suito from Zwift’s shop on black friday. The 24.8 factor is for non-Elite apps, e.g. item 1 Elite Direto / Forte / Suito / Qubo Smart Trainer Replacment Power Adaptor UK 1 - Elite Direto / Forte / Suito / Qubo Smart Trainer Replacment Power Adaptor UK . Think my written reviews are deep? If you read the comments on the Zwift, you’ll notice that a lot of people have exactly the same issue. How is there not a handle on the Tacx NEO Series trainers – despite being the most expensive mainstream smart trainer on the market? I tried pairing again, but that does not resolve the issue. But you will hit 300W at a lower cadence on a given gear, or on a shorter gear at a given cadence, if you put the control to 100%. That will at least get me very coherent data! Did you try to travel in the plane with it? Would it work if I bought a new 8 speed cassette or just used spacers ? But you get the impression that with these trainers it is the rule rather than the exception. There are reviews about the kikr snap being sometimes inaccurate as a wheels on…and I got this one replaced after a few months for this exact problem, another story. I am having multiple Suito issues, the main one being that the Suito likes to say I am doing between 10-20 watts more than what both my V3 and 4iiii power meters read (both of which read the same watts). Regrettably, I have Ikea couches and Ikea beds, and none of them allow anything except puzzle pieces from the toddlers to be slid under them. So finally, with your bike on it, don’t forget to stick that front wheel block up there: Or, you could manage to get yourself one of those fancy new Elite steering devices that Zwift doesn’t yet support. For example, how quickly does the trainer respond and match what Zwift shows on the screen (mostly good in this case), and then how accurate is it within that (also largely good here): Of course, the downside to this course is that visually it makes your head hurt when looking at graphs like the above. How hard would it be to put a set of links onto a page? If I would’ve known about this before purchasing, I definitely would’ve steered clear of this trainer. Op 50% is het voor mijn gevoel ook nog te zwaar. Admittedly, I'm a heavier rider, but it doesn't carry weight warnings. Just setting up my Suito and pairing it with Garmin as well. No wobble or noise, but the wattages are completly off. It would also be nice if CT would just preemptively send me a new Suito out so I don’t have to wait again but given the cluster this has been I have a feeling that I will find out that CT will close for the holidays and I’ll be stuck without the Suito until the beginning of January. Since then, I am so glad to get the same figures on my watch/pedal that I have on my trainer/cellphone. Works well. The package seems really good, I would be happy if there weren't those two issues. I am sure my power numbers seemed off with this trainer. Still waiting to here back from Elite but not hopeful that I’ll be able to get a replacement trainer during the current Covid crisis. And of course – you can always sign-up to be a DCR Supporter! I was calibrating my kikr snap for every race. Wheel risers don’t cost very much ($5-$10 on Amazon), but hey, I’ll take it. One of the cheaper direct drive trainer on the market. BUT, it has the wobbly flywheel. Though – as I’ve said already, given the mess that this season has been for all trainer companies – I’m not really sure that any option is perfect. En juillet 2019, Elite a annoncé la présentation de son nouveau vélo à home trainer, l’Elite Suito, qui, avec Bkool Smart Air, sera le rouleau à battre pour cette année 2019, mais c’est cet Elite Suito (prononcé sweet-o) qui sera mis en première position en raison de son rapport qualité/prix. I set up wheel circumference like in the manual(2090mm divided by 24,8= 84mm), so I typed in 84 in their ‘my E Training’ app for wheel circumference. Too bad they couldn’t send a new one out once they had a tracking number of the unit I sent back today. On the bright side, at least all three are consistent throughout the set: And technically speaking, if you added up the margin of error for all the units, they’re actually almost within that, assuming you use the mean value as the baseline.
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