relative pronouns exercises with answers pdf
relative pronouns exercises with answers pdf
which. This is the road that / which takes you to the railway station. The accountant was arrested. A collection of downloadable worksheets, exercises and activities to teach Relative pronouns, shared by English language teachers. 2. Check your grammar: … Your students can see different examples of how sentences do and don’t work before trying them out themselves. May 16, 2019 - Fill in the blanks with an appropriate relative pronoun. Pronoun Exercises for Class 7 CBSE With Answers Pdf. Personal pronouns can be divided into three types: first person (I, we); second person (you); third person (he, she, it, they). 1. Answers to Relative clauses – exercises 1. Choose the correct relative pronoun: 1. That's the producer whose films are always a great success. The exercise which nobody could do was very complicated. Where can mean in which. I am the youngest in the family. 1. 3. B 14. 2. 1. A pronoun is a word that is used in place of a noun and indicates someone or something which has been mentioned before. C 6. Menu. The man was late. Join the following sentences by using a relative pronoun. The dress has faded. Are indispensable to the meaning. I saw the man steal a handbag. I was born is a few hundred miles from here. A relative pronoun can also be the object of a relative clause: He was a powerful Roman General. Combine using relative pronouns. 4. With Lingolia Plus you can access 10 additional exercises about Relative Pronouns, as well as 587 online exercises to improve your French. 5. Both THAT and WHICH can be used in this relative clause and the pronoun can be left out because there is a subject: “Peter” 7. The relative pronoun can be the subject or the object of the relative clause. DIRECTIONSTAKE THE QUIZDIRECTIONS DIRECTIONS: Choose the correct relative pronoun -- who, whose, that, which, why, when or where. Do you need help? Choose one of the following relative pronouns who, which or whose from the drop down menu. 7. Julie invited the man. Exercise on reflexive pronouns. It answers the question “which students?” Defining relative clauses: Are not used between commas. Relative Clauses PDF Notes, Documents and Exercises with Answers Relative clauses are used to link sentences in English, to strengthen the meaning of the sentences, or to present the sentences in a more aesthetic way to the reader. … That's the producer. The police arrested the man. False 7. They found the money. True 2. A relative pronoun can be the subject of a relative clause: Last week I saw that film which won all the Oscars. He is the doctor who /that I will see this afternoon. The police were looking for him. 1. _____ 2. 6. Relative pronouns – who, which, whose – Exercise. example: This is the man who lives next door. 1. 1. Test yourself with our free English language quiz about 'Relative Pronouns- Omission'. The woman gave him the money was young. What’s the name of the film who / which you saw? A 16. The doctor was sick. He lives in Mumbai. 2. Download PDF. If you want to learn English grammar or grow your vocabulary then these resources will help you with your studies. My grandmother, whose car is an antique, is going to drive to Florida. He is a teacher. Answers. B 3. 1. Students do a matching, a m/c and gap filling exercise. 2.Non-defining relative clauses. 3. He is very friendly. In which is similar to where. The new movie is about a boy _____ has lost his parents in a car accident. Here, the pronoun is the subject of the relative clause (the film won the Oscars), even though it is the object of the main clause (I saw the film). Mixed pronouns in English: worksheets pdf, handouts to print, printable exercises esl. 5. A 8. The girl wants to study medicine. The relative pronoun can be the subject or the object of the relative clause. Pronoun Exercises for Class 8 CBSE With Answers Pdf. PREPOSITIONS IN RELATIVE CLAUSES When there is a preposition in a defining relative clause this can go before the relative pronoun or at the end of the clause. example: He can carry the bags himself. Check your grammar: true or false 1. Download PDF. A 9. _____ 2. General Grammar Exercises; Nouns and Related Topics; Prepositions; Pronouns; Verb Tenses; Verbs and Related Topics; Listening . Relative Pronouns. Relative Pronouns This worksheet has a grammar guide with an explanation and examples. These are some pencils (which are) good for drawing. Defining Relative Clauses Exercise 3 Make one sentence by changing the sentence in italics into a defining relative clause. DEFINING. that. Wrong! Main content: Relative Pronouns Other contents: Whose, whom, which, that, who, where, why Add to my workbooks (167) Download file pdf Embed in my website or blog Add to Google Classroom Add to Microsoft Teams Share through Whatsapp A 5. Sign Up; Log In Grammar & Vocab. THAT – WHEN – WHERE - WHICH - WHO – WHOSE - WHY 1. Advanced Vocabulary; Computer Networking Acronyms; Idioms Gallery; Idioms List; Phrasal Verbs; Picture Vocabulary; Word Lists; Relative Pronouns Quiz. The relative pronoun then stands for this noun within the relative clause in which it can be a subject, a direct object, or the object of a preposition. Exercise on possessive pronouns. We cannot use that after a preposition. I know Betty. The Words I, you, he, she, it, we and they are called personal pronouns. They found the money (which / that) I dropped. Exercise on reflexive and reciprocal pronouns. The stores, which are closed on Sunday, are having a sale in May. (relative clause , the relative is the object of its sentence) 3. 5. This is a free intermediate English grammar quiz and esl worksheet. The boy was injured in the accident. Defining Relative Clauses Exercise 4 Make one sentence by changing the sentence in italics into a defining relative clause. Correct! The Taj Mahal which was built by Shah Jahan is the finest tomb in the world. Task No. _____ 3. Take a look at the following figure for the classification of pronouns. He lives next door. 2. Use which and that to refer to things. The boy, who fell off of the bike, is doing just fine. Answer KEY: Relative pronouns Exercise 1. we are talking about. 3157. 2. that. The women to whom I … Pronoun Chart . Pronoun Rules There are a few important rules for using pronouns. You also need to follow different tips for using each relative clause properly. Reading Exercises; Cloze Exercises; Vocabulary . Example: I admire people _____ speak many languages. The relative pronoun can be the subject or the object of the relative clause. where. The children who /that played in the snow had fallen during the night. Relative Pronouns - Exercises. Personal pronouns, possessive pronouns and adjectives, free English online grammar exercise on mixed pronouns. _____ 4. Christmas is the time of year when / where there are many parties. In this exercise, blanks must be filled in with the appropriate relative pronoun. C 10. 6. The man who /that is sitting by the door takes a break. He came with a friend waited outside in the car. His films are always a great success. Listening Comprehension Exercises; Sound Contrast; Reading . He was taken to hospital. No sign-up required. C 13. 1. 3. False 8. His father works in Dubai. True 5. The students who worked hard passed their exams. She showed ... relative clauses the pronoun can NEVER be left out. 6. 6. 5. The book which I had given to him was well-written. I wanted to see the doctor. Wrong! 2. Fill in the correct relative pronoun (who / which). 3. This is my father. True 2. Pronoun Exercises Solved Examples With Answers for Class 7 CBSE. Relative pronouns who, which, whose and that. The house that we built last summer is going to be sold soon. 2. The towns which I saw in Greece were beautiful. GRAMMAR QUIZ RELATIVE CLAUSES ... ANSWER KEY My Notes 1. II. Answer: I admire people who speak many languages. Test Relative Pronouns. Relative pronouns exercise. The women whom I saw in the house, were quiet. The first case is more formal and there we can’t omit the relative, we can’t use that, and we use whom instead of who. The bag contained the money was yellow. This is the station where Emily met James. 3 The missing boy has been traced. C 4. Hints. The plate was a wedding present. Pronouns are words that are used in the place of nouns or noun phrases. This grammar section explains English Grammar in a clear and simple way. False 6. B 11. 5. 4. This is the room which / where I keep my computer. Different relative clauses are used for different purposes. Fill in the appropriate relative pronoun: Men who lead are never good followers. John is the man whose wife is a famous artist. English Exercises > relative clauses exercises. 2. I talked to the girl . My name is David. The man robbed the bank had two guns. I broke the plate which / that was a wedding present. Circle the relative pronoun. Exercise on relative pronouns (see relative clauses) Mixed Exercises. 4. Go to the next tab to TAKE THE QUIZ. There are defining and non-defining relative sentences. Underline the relative clause. EXERCISE (ANSWERS) Join the following pairs of sentences. The relative clause generally qualifies or explains a noun in the main clause that is its referent or antecedent. Answers: 1. I’m sure that’s the man who / whose picture was in the paper. To make sure that you understand the correct answers, our answer keys offer simple explanations as well as handy tips and tricks. Subject relative pronoun. where. Personal pronouns. 4. There are example sentences to show how the language is used. He reminds me of someone who/that I used to know. which. Relative Pronouns Exercise. C 2. The letter (that/which) Peter has sent to you is in the drawer. 15. 5. Julius Ceaser came to Britain in 55 BC. Identify or define the person, the thing, the place, etc. 4. I used to work. 2. 4. 1. My teacher, who was very helpful to me, is going to have a baby. He wore a mask made him look like Mickey Mouse. They take the place of nouns and are used as the subject of the verb in a sentence. Pronoun Exercises for Class 7 CBSE With Answers Pdf Personal Pronouns. True 3. Relative pronouns , Relative clauses, who, which, whose - Exercise - Learning English. A 15. Choose the best answer.Test Relative Pronouns. The town which I saw in Italy were beautiful. Defining Relative Clauses Exercise 3 Make one sentence by changing the sentence in italics into a defining relative clause. This relative pronouns worksheet with answers pdf is a fantastic addition to your classroom or hometime learning as it helps demonstrate how to use relative pronouns to create complex sentences. My brother is an actor. As you read through these rules and the examples in the next section, Noticehow the pronoun rules are followed. On this map show me the small island that / which is to the south of India. A 12. 3. Pronoun Exercises for Class 9 CBSE With Answers Pdf. He is the young man, _____ wife left him for someone else. False 4. Grammar & Vocab. Relative Pronouns – mixed exercises; Need more practice? _____ 3. I dropped the money. 3. The oranges that / which you gave me yesterday were very sweet. It was bought last week. Welcome to ESL Printables , the website where English Language teachers exchange resources: worksheets, lesson plans, activities, etc. 6. I broke the plate. 1. 2. B1 Relative Pronuns RC004 Complete the sentences with relative pronouns from the box. B 7. Relative Pronouns Exercise. Correct! Use who and that to refer to people. 4. Reflexive Pronouns. Personal, indefinite, possessive, relative pronouns. 1. 3. 3. She came from India. This is the bank was robbed yesterday. She won the first prize. 3.
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