rosa ‘de rescht’
rosa ‘de rescht’
Rose de Rescht (trandafir de dulceaţă) Florile sunt grupate în buchete de 3-7 exemplare, pe ramuri scurte. Dark pink nearing purple, large very full old-fashioned bloom, 3' - 4', shade tolerant and winter ha Karmoisinrød - violetrød - ceriserød, duftende, remonterende blomstring. They do not require the heavy pruning required of hybrid tea, floribunda and grandiflora roses unless being pruned to control size. Rosa ’de Rescht’ Rosa ’de Rescht’ on syysdamaskonruusuihin (Rosa Bifera-ryhmään) kuuluva ruusulajike, jolle on tunnusomaista maljamaiset, täynnä terälehtiä olevat, voimakkaan ruusuntuoksuiset, karmiininpunaiset kukat. Remonterende: Blomster fra begyndelsen af juli til langt ud på efteråret. Size: Small Shrub 3ft 2 1/2ft Bloom Size: Small. It is a compact rose with dense, medium green foliage that closely frames the short-stalked, 2 1/2 in. A compact repeat blooming plant with … Good air circulation promotes vigorous and healthy growth and helps control foliar diseases. Rose de Rescht grows 3' - 4' in height. It received the Award of Garden Merit from the Royal Horticultural Society in 1993. købe Gammeldags Rose Rose de Rescht Rosa damascena Rose de Rescht fra kun 139,95 kr. Repeat bloom? Avoid overhead watering. Type : Rosier. C'est une variété idéale pour faire des pots pourris. Fontvieille Park and Princess Grace Rose Garden, Concours international de roses nouvelles de Bagatelle, List of rose cultivars named after people,, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 26 January 2021, at 06:18. Rose de Rescht, named for the Iranian town where it was rediscovered, is a wonderful rose. Rose de Rescht - Old-fashioned, fully double (petals 50+) blooms of elegant fuchsia-crimson blessed with wonderful fragrance. Rose de Rescht hører til gruppen Damascenerroser. Herkomst: ukendt. Dark pink nearing purple blooms which are large and very full old-fashioned in appearance. Covered … It can be propagated by softwood cuttings, semi-hardwood cuttings, hardwood cuttings, grafting and budding.[8]. [5] It seems that this rose originating in Iran was reported in the year 1880 in England, then in the year 1890 in Germany, but it was then forgotten and was not reintroduced to England until 1940–1950, when it was rediscovered in Rasht. Le Rosier ancien Rose de Rescht (1940) forme un buisson dressé et compact, tout rond. Le rosier ancien Rose de Rescht a un tempérament intrépide et foisonnant. 'Rose de Resht' The Most Loved and Beautiful of Flowers By Mike on February 9, 2013 Some know it as the Queen of Flowers; others call it by its family name, Rosaceae. Remove spent flowers to encourage rebloom. Rosa 'de Rescht ' is a Portland Damask rose introduced by English gardener Nancy Lindsay in 1945. ‘Rose de Rescht’ is a portland/damask blend, a fine reddish-purple coloring (to rival that of ‘Reine des Violettes’ but shhh, don’t tell the Queen of the Violets I said so) a divine fragrance, disease resistant, shade tolerant, and oh, what’s that you say? Rose de Rescht hører til gruppen Damascenerroser. Très bonne remontée d'automne. Description A very fragrant variety, bearing small, neat, very double, bright magenta flowers packed full with petals. Trandafirii de dulceata au numai culoarea roz si petale foarte parfumate.Rose de Rescht are o tufa indesata si compacta, cu frunzis verde inchis perfect mat si foarte sanatos.Coditele florilor sunt foarte scurte, facand sa para asezate pe tufa. Some gardeners report continuous bloom while others report repeated flushes. Flowering time is late spring/early summer; it blooms repeatedly. It grows 3 to 4 feet tall and wide and can tolerate light shade. Rose de Rescht tolerates shade, grows well in a pot and makes a decent low hedge. 'Rose de Rescht' is a Portland Rose that was originally introduced in England around 1880 but was forgotten about. Rose de Rescht Rose is a multi-stemmed deciduous shrub with a more or less rounded form. In the first part of her book The Genus Rosa, Ellen Willmott described a rose that is known by the Gilaks as "Gul e Reschti", which is probably the same as Rose de Rescht. Tous nos rosiers sont vendus sur porte greffe Rosa Laxa (rosiers adaptés à tous types de sol en particulier aux sols calcaires). Description of Rose de Rescht Roses: A lovely little shrub rose with great foliage and strongly scented pom-pom shaped red-pink flowers that come in waves from late spring to autumn. Rosier Ancien 'ROSE DE RESCHT' (Damascena). [8] The plant has large, medium green foliage, grows about 90 to 120 centimetres (36–48 in) high and 60–90 centimetres (24–36 in) wide. Son feuillage caduc, d'aspect coriace, est porté par des tiges solides, armées de robustes aiguillons courbés accompagnés de poils raides. Propagated on hardy Rosa Multiflora rootstock. [6][7], Rosa de Rescht's bloom form is double, their color is deep pink (dp) and they are highly fragrant. Il est remontant It suckers sporadically, these often being thrown up some distance from the parent plant. This deep rich velvet damask rose was 'discovered' in Persia by Nancy on her plant-hunting trip in 1945. Rose de Rescht tolerates shade, grows well in a pot and makes a decent low hedge. Although good cultural practices are the first line of defense in disease control, regular preventative fungicide applications throughout the growing season are usually required, particularly in humid climates with regular rainfall such as the St. Louis area. Rosa ‘Etoile de Hollande’ Climbing $ 15.00 Add to cart; Rosa ‘Commandant Beaurepaire’ $ 15.00 Add to cart; Rosa ‘Ballerina’ $ 15.00 Add to cart; Rosa ‘Excellenz von Schubert’ $ 15.00 Add to cart It is winter hardy down to USDA Zone 4b −31.7 °C (-25 °F) . Taille adulte (H x L): 0.9m x 0.75m. Yes, it’s true. - Rosier buissonant - Fleurs doubles rappelant celles du camélia sous forme de bouquets en pompons - Coloris fushia profond - Parfum capiteux - Résistant aux maladies - Résiste aux intempéries et … Rose Family. In the first part of her book The Genus Rosa, Ellen Willmott described a rose that is known by the Gilaks as "Gul e Reschti", which is probably the same as Rose de Rescht. Asadar gradina dumneavoastra va avea un aspect ornamental deosebit iar dulceata din camara va avea un gust si pafum fabulos. Grow as a specimen or in small groups in borders, cottage gardens, foundations or rose gardens. Rose de Rescht. Height & Width. Le rosier ancien Rose de Rescht a un tempérament intrépide et foisonnant. Denne historisk buskrose af ukendt oprindelse blev introduceret ca. Parfumul acestor flori este absolut fabulos, făcându-l perfect … A partir de 10,90 €. It flowers all summer long. Rose de Rescht, named for the Iranian town where it was rediscovered, is a wonderful rose. It is a shade tolerant plant and winter hardy. Denne historisk buskrose af ukendt oprindelse blev introduceret ca. Et puis quel parfum ! Repeat bloom? Rosier Ancien 'ROSE DE RESCHT' (Damascena). Rosier à port dressé et compact. Very fragrant, fuchsia-pink double flowers bloom through the summer and fall. They are a very diverse group of hybrids and usually produce clusters of flowers several times a year but some may bloom just once in spring. Height & Width. These are never a nuisance and as they come true to type can be severed and grown elsewhere or left to bloom where they wish. Growth habit resembles a short Hybrid Perpetual which it may be. These are never a nuisance and as they come true to type can be severed and grown elsewhere or left to bloom where they wish. Read More. Brodées de fuchsia profond et émaillées de pourpre, les roses de ce rosier ancien expireront en rose magenta. Potential insect problems include aphids, beetles, borers, scale, thrips, rose midges, leafhoppers and spider mites. Rose Family. All roses have been grown and tended in our family-owned rose nursery. Rosa de Rescht is an upright rose about 3ft (1m) in height which makes it ideal for use as a small hedge. Fragrance. Best flowering and disease resistance generally occur in full sun, however. The plant forms a nicely … They fade to purple as they age and are highly valued for their intense fragrance. Its average texture blends into the landscape, but can be balanced by one or two finer or coarser trees or shrubs for an effective composition. Rosa 'de Rescht ' is a Portland Damask rose introduced by English gardener Nancy Lindsay in 1945. In my garden this rose seems to be more shade tolerant than others, which is another plus in my eyes. Taille et entretien ‘Rose de Rescht’ est un rosier ancien qu’il n’est pas rare de rencontrer dans un coin un peu négligé des vieux jardins. 'De Rescht' _ 'De Rescht' is a compact, bushy, deciduous shrub with thorny stems bearing pinnate leaves divided into ovate, toothed, dark grey- to blue-green leaflets and strongly fragrant, double, bright reddish-purple flowers from summer into autumn. In the first part of her book The Genus Rosa, Ellen Willmott described a rose that is known by the Gilaks as "Gul e Reschti", which is probably the same as Rose de Rescht. Afstamning: Ukendt.Det fortælles at Lady Lindsay har fundet rosen i silkebyen Resht i persien og bragt Engraved Plant Tag (Choose Variety) – Rose de Rescht $ 5.00 Add to cart; Related products. Vous pouvez même la cultiver en pot! If the plant is deadheaded or periodically pruned back, rebloom is even … 'Rose de Rescht' forme un buisson robuste au port compact légèrement étalé et au feuillage luxuriant, qui ne dépassera pas 1 à 1 m 20 de hauteur pour 1 m 20 d'envergure. As a shrub rose, it tends to be more disease resistant than some of the more highly bred bush roses. Dark pink nearing purple blooms which are large and very full old-fashioned in appearance. Rosier Rose de Rescht. Płatków bez liku czyli na pewno powyżej pięćdziesięciu, no i przede wszystkim 'Rose de Rescht' ma piękny ich kolor. It suckers sporadically, these often being thrown up some distance from the parent plant. Moje zdjęcie niestety nie … Synonymer:Rose de Rescht.. Højde: 80 - 120 cm Farve: Mørkt ceriserød Duft: Meget stærk duft. Rose de Rescht is a prolific spring bloomer with good reliable repeat blooms throughout the year. Propagated on hardy Rosa Multiflora rootstock. They're hardy & generally less fussy than modern varieties. Lindsay named the cultivar 'de Rescht' after the city of Rasht, the capital of Gilan Province, Iran, located along the southern coast of the Caspian Sea, where she discovered it to be growing. In the first part of her book The Genus Rosa, Ellen Willmott described a rose that is known by the Gilaks as "Gul e Reschti", which is probably the same as Rose de Rescht. Sen menestymisalue yltää Suomessa Keski-Suomen korkeudelle saakka. Herkomst: ukendt. The Garden wouldn't be the Garden without our Members, Donors and Volunteers. The glossy oval compound leaves are highly ornamental but do not develop any appreciable fall color. rosa ‘Bossa Nova’ , ‘Rose de Rescht’ ‘Rose de Rescht’, ‘Salet’, ‘Héritage’, ‘Zoé’ et ‘Quatre Saisons’. Summer mulch helps retain moisture, keeps roots cool and discourages weeds. Køb planter online, stort udvalg af roser, du kan bl.a. Rosa 'de Rescht ' is a Portland Damask rose introduced by English gardener Nancy Lindsay in 1945. Bloom size varies. Rosa de Rescht is an upright rose about 3ft (1m) in height which makes it ideal for use as a small hedge. Best grown in medium moisture, slightly acidic, well-drained garden loams in full sun to part shade. Période de floraison : Juin, Juillet, Août, Septembre, Octobre. Old Rose Colour: Bright magenta. 'Rose de Rescht' is a Portland Rose that was originally introduced in England around 1880 but was forgotten about. Rose de Rescht (Shrub Rose) Rose de Rescht (Shrub Rose) Features. Cette variété de rosier de Damas a été découverte en 1840 près de Rescht en Iran par Miss Nancy Lindsay qui l'introduisit en Europe. Taille et entretien ‘Rose de Rescht’ est un rosier ancien qu’il n’est pas rare de rencontrer dans un coin un peu négligé des vieux jardins. Synonyms Rosa 'Rose de Rescht' Rosa 'De Rescht' Rosa 'Rescht' see more; Family Rosaceae Genus Rosa can be deciduous or semi-evergreen shrubs or scrambling climbers, with usually thorny stems bearing compound pinnate leaves and solitary or clustered flowers. Small, neat, full flowers of purple-crimson, held well above the dense, bushy growth. The plant that Nancy herself claimed as her own was the Rosa de Rescht. Rose de Rêscht. "Resht" and "Rasht" are transliterations of the name of a Iranian city located near the Caspian Sea. Rosier ancien Rose de Rescht Inconnu, avant 1900, introduit en europe par Miss Lindsay, Royaume-Uni 1940. Rosier ancien. Fragrance: Strong, Old Rose. Shrub roses are usually large-growing bushes between 4-10 feet tall and as wide. Local rose associations and extension services are usually able to offer specific recommendations and advice for selecting and growing roses. Very Fragrant (Portland) Very double, pompom-like, scented fuchsia-red with purple tints. Elle a tout pour séduire: elle se plait partout, fleurit sans relâche et embaume le jardin. ‘Rose de Rescht’ is a portland/damask blend, a fine reddish-purple coloring (to rival that of ‘Reine des Violettes’ but shhh, don’t tell the Queen of the Violets I said so) a divine fragrance, disease resistant, shade tolerant, and oh, what’s that you say? It suckers sporadically, these often being thrown up some distance from the parent plant. Rosa 'de Rescht' is a Portland Damask rose introduced by English gardener Nancy Lindsay in 1945. Rosa 'de Rescht' is a Portland Damask rose introduced by English gardener Nancy Lindsay in 1945. In the first part of her book The Genus Rosa, Ellen Willmott described a rose that is known by the Gilaks as "Gul e Reschti", which is probably the same as Rose de Rescht. Synonymer:Rose de Rescht.. Højde: 80 - 120 cm Farve: Mørkt ceriserød Duft: Meget stærk duft. [1][2][3], The history of the flower is unclear and its origin is unknown; according to some researches done in France and England by the members of the WFRS Specialized Conservation Committee, the rose was originally introduced "about 1880" as a Persian rose[4] and, in some sources, its origin is French. Covered in first flush with good, frequent rebloom though not as copious. Hi Alix, I enjoyed reading your post about rosa 'Rose de Rescht'. It is a shade tolerant plant and winter hardy. Este un trandafir foarte frumos si extrem de parfumat. Blooms are deep rich medium red, tousled, very full with a button eye. Abundant foliage. It is resistant to black spot, mildew and rust. These are never a nuisance and as they come true to type can be severed and grown elsewhere or left to bloom where they wish. 'Rose de Resht' este un trandafir din familia roselor damascene. Blooms are deep rich medium red, tousled, very full with a button eye. Flowers may be followed by showy red or purple fruits in some varieties. Din petalele sale se obtine un sirop gustos si o dulceata aromata si parfumata.Este recomandat pentru sirop, flori de ceai si alte preparate culinare dar si in aranjamente florale. If the plant is deadheaded or periodically pruned back, rebloom is even better; and it is often said to always be in bloom. It has attractive dark green foliage which emerges burgundy in spring. It is best suited as a loosely cascading or rounded shrub to five feet. Rosa damas 'Rose de Rescht' 2 Avis clients. Plants can be allowed to grow large with minimal pruning.Genus name comes from the Latin name. Yes, it’s true. Le rosier ancien apprécie un sol ordinaire, riche et drainé. Rose de Rescht est une variété très ancienne. Les plantes bienfaisantes..La Rose (Rose de Rescht).. La Rose (rose de Rescht) Le Rosier ' Rose de Rescht ' figurait autrefois dans de nombreux jardins de fleurs, poussant seul et sans entretien dans une zone un peu négligée du jardin où l'on allait cueillir ses rameaux boutonnés pour composer de généreux bouquets. Read More. Purple. Ballerina Shrub Rose. Sen menestymisalue yltää Suomessa Keski-Suomen korkeudelle saakka. Karmoisinrød - violetrød - ceriserød, duftende, remonterende blomstring. Roses are susceptible to a large number of diseases, the most common of which are black spot, powdery mildew, rust and rose rosette. The Swedish Rose Society recommends Rose de Rescht for northern Sweden. Portlands. Rose de Rescht (Shrub Rose) Rose de Rescht (Shrub Rose) Features. Rose de Rescht Rose is a multi-stemmed deciduous shrub with a more or less rounded form. Remonterende: Blomster fra begyndelsen af juli til langt ud på efteråret. Elle a tout pour séduire: elle se plait partout, fleurit sans relâche et embaume le jardin. To nie jest wściekły różyk Rosa rugosa czy dość trywialna różowość niezliczonych odmian galijek czy mchówek - 'Rose de Rescht' jest cudownie malinowa. Rosa 'Rose de Rescht' ROE-sah Audio This compact rose has fragrant, fuschia-red flowers packed with petals that fade to purple as they age. Its soil pH requirement is 5.6 to 6.5 (acidic to mildly acidic). Rose de Rescht. Afstamning: Ukendt.Det fortælles at Lady Lindsay har fundet rosen i silkebyen Resht i persien og bragt Home / Shop All Roses / Old Roses / Rose de Rêscht. rosa ‘Bossa Nova’ , ‘Rose de Rescht’ ‘Rose de Rescht’, ‘Salet’, ‘Héritage’, ‘Zoé’ et ‘Quatre Saisons’. Water deeply and regularly (mornings are best). Hérissés au coeur d'une ramure luxuriante, ses petits bouquets de roses en pompons hissent la soie de leurs pétales délicats. Rose de Rescht grows 3' - 4' in height. Rosa de Rescht or Resht - Shrub Roses. This is one of those "must have" roses. In the first part of her book The Genus Rosa, Ellen Willmott described a rose that is known by the Gilaks as "Gul e Reschti", which is probably the same as Rose de Rescht. Also effective as a hedge. Din petalele acestui trandafir se fac cele mai gustose si aromate dulceturi sau alte parfumate preparate culinare, cum … Très bonne remontée d'automne. Il donne, en juin puis en septembre, des fleurs en bouquets de 3 à 7, de 5 cm de diamètre, en pompons très doubles, composés de 80 pétales. Hauteur : 80 à 120 cm. Ballerina is a rounded shrub rose carrying huge sprays of small, single, slightly scented pink flowers with white centres that are carried continuously through the summer. Its average texture blends into the landscape, but can be balanced by one or two finer or coarser trees or shrubs for an effective composition. Description of Rose de Rescht Roses: A lovely little shrub rose with great foliage and strongly scented pom-pom shaped red-pink flowers that come in waves from late spring to autumn. Enjoy your rose garden the way your ancestors did with this re-introduced classic Damask Rose. Vous pouvez même la cultiver en … 'Rose de Resht' The Most Loved and Beautiful of Flowers By Mike on February 9, 2013 Some know it as the Queen of Flowers; others call it by its family name, Rosaceae. este unul dintre cei mai importanti furnizori de trandafiri pentru dulceata si ulei esential ('Rosa Damascena Trigintipetala' si 'Rose de Rescht'). 1930, men har måske sin oprindelse for … Rosa is a genus of about 150 species of deciduous (occasionally evergreen) shrubs and climbers noted for their beautiful, often fragrant, single, semidouble or double flowers which are borne singly or in clusters on often prickly stems clad with 5-9 leaflets often having toothed margins. It was rediscovered in 1945 by Nancy Lindsay, an English garden writer, in Rescht, Iran and was re-introduced around 1950 in Great Britain. Some gardeners report continuous bloom while others report repeated flushes. Its average texture blends into the landscape, but can be balanced by one or two finer or coarser trees or shrubs for an effective composition. Blooming in distinct cycles, the flowers are 4-5cm across and exude an exceptionally sweet and intense damask scent. Rosier à port dressé et compact. The bright fuschia-red to deep pink, double flowers have up to 100 petals each, forming a tight pompom-like rosette. Rose de Rescht is one of our all-time favorite Old Garden Roses. Rosa 'de Rescht' is a Portland Damask rose introduced by English gardener Nancy Lindsay in 1945. Rosa de Rescht is an upright rose about 3ft (1m) in height which makes it ideal for use as a small hedge. Crowns need winter protection in cold winter areas such as St. Louis. It grows up to 4 feet high and … Boasting a full rosette form, intoxicating perfume, and recurrent flushes of bloom, 'Rose de Rescht' is a lovely example of "old world", fully double, cupped blooms of fuchsia-red that age to pale lilac. Prune as needed in late winter to early spring. Abundant foliage. Le rosier est un buisson touffu,compact, au feuillage vert foncé, grisâtre. It suckers sporadically, these often being thrown up some distance from the parent plant. Rose de Rescht is a prolific spring bloomer with good reliable repeat blooms throughout the year. Bloom Description: Bright fuchsia-red to deep pink. The flowers are excellent for cutting. Researchers are unsure if it originated in Iran or if it was brought to Iran from France around 1807. Flowering: Repeat Flowering. 'Rose de Rescht' blooms prolifically in spring and will rebloom throughout the growing season, especially if deadheaded. Differences of opinions about class [See References.]. Trandafirul de dulceata este cunoscut si sub denumirea de Trandafirul de Damasc (Rosa Damaschena). Fleurs pleines, moyennes, en rosettes, rouge fuschia, passant au rose magenta. Rose de Rescht Rose is smothered in stunning lightly-scented fuchsia flowers at the ends of the branches from late spring to early fall. 1930, men har måske sin oprindelse for … On Jun 12, 2014, misstrickey from Stillwater, OK wrote: I ordered this rose this spring from D… The Swedish Rose Society recommends Rose de Rescht for northern Sweden. Ses roses sont rose pourpré parfumées et remontantes. Rose de Rescht Rose is a multi-stemmed deciduous shrub with a more or less rounded form. Portlands. This is a beautiful magenta … Remove and destroy diseased leaves from plants, as practicable, and clean up and destroy dead leaves from the ground around the plants both during the growing season and as part of a thorough cleanup during winter (dormant season). Fleurs pleines, moyennes, en rosettes, rouge fuschia, passant au rose magenta. wide flowers. These are never a nuisance and as they come true to type can be severed and grown elsewhere or left to bloom where they wish. Purple. Bloom size varies. Differences of opinions about class [See References.]. This cultivar, originating in Iran, was reported at the end of 19th century in England, but it was then forgotten. Rose de Rescht est une variété très ancienne. 3' x 2' (90cm x 60cm) Rose Colour. [1] [2] [3] Coincidentally I am planning to plant one bush of this variety this weekend in my front yard. 'Rose de Rescht' is exquisitely fragrant and can easily fill a garden with it’s perfume. Rosa ’de Rescht’ Rosa ’de Rescht’ on syysdamaskonruusuihin (Rosa Bifera-ryhmään) kuuluva ruusulajike, jolle on tunnusomaista maljamaiset, täynnä terälehtiä olevat, voimakkaan ruusuntuoksuiset, karmiininpunaiset kukat. Hauteur : 80 à 120 cm. It forms a compact shrub with shapely, bushy … All roses have been grown and tended in our family-owned rose nursery. A partir de 10,90 €. 'De Rescht' _ 'De Rescht' is a compact, bushy, deciduous shrub with thorny stems bearing pinnate leaves divided into ovate, toothed, dark grey- to blue-green leaflets and strongly fragrant, double, bright reddish-purple flowers from summer into autumn. "Resht" and "Rasht" are transliterations of the name of a Iranian city located near the Caspian Sea. It was rediscovered in 1945 by Nancy Lindsay, an … Rosa 'de Rescht' Rosa 'de Rescht', like many old garden roses, presents an interesting historical background story. Butasi trandafiri de dulceata Rose de Rescht - este o floribunda, din familia Rosa Damascenelor.Rose de Rescht a fost descoperit in Persia in secolul al XIX, in orasul Rasht. 3' x 2' (90cm x 60cm) Rose Colour. Evitez les sols calcaires. Very Fragrant (Portland) Very double, pompom-like, scented fuchsia-red with purple tints. Fragrance. Dec 16, 2015 - Rose de Rescht -- strong damask scented rose Rosa de Rescht is an upright rose about 3ft (1m) in height which makes it ideal for use as a small hedge.
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